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Journal of acupuncture and meridian studies
Unilateral and Immediate Stimulation of Acupuncture Points Xiaohai (SI8) and Jianwaishu (SI14) of the Small Intestine Meridian Increases Electromyographic Activity and Strength in the Ipsilateral and Contralateral Upper Trapezius Muscle
de Souza, L.L. -
Types of Control in Acupuncture Clinical Trials Might Affect the Conclusion of the Trials: A Review of Acupuncture on Pain Management
Chen, H. -
Randomized trial of trigger point acupuncture treatment for chronic shoulder pain: a preliminary study
Itoh, K. -
Intraoperative Low-frequency Electroacupuncture under General Anesthesia Improves Postoperative Recovery in a Randomized Trial
Grech, D. -
Immediate Effect of Needling at CV-12 (Zhongwan) Acupuncture Point on Blood Glucose Level in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: A Pilot Randomized Placebo-Controlled Trial
Kumar, R. -
Fifteen-day acupuncture treatment relieves diabetic peripheral neuropathy
Tong, Y. -
Electro-acupuncture Stimulation at Acupoints Reduced the Severity of Hypotension During Anesthesia in Patients Undergoing Liver Transplantation
Sahmeddini, M. A. -
Efficacy of Acupuncture versus Local Methylprednisolone Acetate Injection in De Quervain's Tenosynovitis: A Randomized Controlled Trial
Hadianfard, M. -
Effects of trigger point acupuncture treatment on temporomandibular disorders: a preliminary randomized clinical trial
Itoh, K. -
Effectiveness of Acupuncture Therapy on Stress in a Large Urban College Population
Schroeder, S. -
Effect of Needling at CV-12 (Zhongwan) on Blood Glucose Levels in Healthy Volunteers: A Pilot Randomized Placebo Controlled Trial
Mohanty, S. -
Could Acupuncture Be Useful in the Treatment of Temporomandibular Dysfunction?
Grillo, C.M. -
Comparison of the Effects of Manual Acupuncture, Laser Acupuncture, and Electromagnetic Field Stimulation at Acupuncture Point BL15 on Heart Rate Variability
Lee, N.R. -
As Acupressure Decreases Pain, Acupuncture May Improve Some Aspects of Quality of Life for Women with Primary Dysmenorrhea: A Systematic Review with Meta-Analysis
Abaraogu, U.O. -
Analysis of Evidence-Based Autism Symptoms Enhancement by Acupuncture
Abo Almaali, H.M.M. -
Acupuncture in preventing postoperative nausea and vomiting: efficacy of two acupuncture points versus a single one
Alizadeh, R. -
Acupuncture as Adjuvant Therapy for Sleep Disorders in Parkinson's Disease
Aroxa, F.H. de A. -
A Trial Study of Moxibustion with a Warming Needle on Edema
Zhang, W.-P. -
A clinical pilot study comparing traditional acupuncture to combined acupuncture for treating headache, trigeminal neuralgia and retro-auricular pain in facial palsy
Ahn, C. B.