Subject is exactly
Hot Flashes
Vasomotor symptoms decrease in women with breast cancer randomized to treatment with applied relaxation or electro-acupuncture: a preliminary study
Nedstrand, E. -
Two Modes of Acupuncture as a Treatment for Hot Flushes in Men with Prostate Cancer-A Prospective Multicenter Study with Long-Term Follow-Up
Frisk, J. -
The Combined Use of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicines for Treatment of Menopausal Syndrome
Tian, H. Z. -
The acupuncture treatment for postmenopausal hot flushes (Acuflash) study: traditional Chinese medicine diagnoses and acupuncture points used, and their relation to the treatment response
Borud, E. K. -
The Acupuncture on Hot Flushes Among Menopausal Women (ACUFLASH) study, a randomized controlled trial
Borud, E. K. -
Systematic review of acupuncture to control hot flashes in cancer patients
Garcia, M.K. -
Systematic review of acupuncture in cancer care: a synthesis of the evidence
Garcia, M. K. -
Reducing vasomotor symptoms with acupuncture in breast cancer patients treated with adjuvant tamoxifen: a randomized controlled trial
Liljegren, A. -
Randomized, controlled trial of acupuncture for the treatment of hot flashes in breast cancer patients
Deng, G. -
Psychological well-being improves in women with breast cancer after treatment with applied relaxation or electro-acupuncture for vasomotor symptom
Nedstrand, E. -
Managing hot flushes in men after prostate cancer-A systematic review
Frisk, J. -
Long-term follow-up of acupuncture and hormone therapy on hot flushes in women with breast cancer: a prospective, randomized, controlled multicenter trial
Frisk, J. -
Informing hot flash treatment decisions for breast cancer survivors: a systematic review of randomized trials comparing active interventions
Johns, C. -
How long do the effects of acupuncture on hot flashes persist in cancer patients?
Frisk, J. W. -
Effects of traditional Chinese medicine on symptom clusters during the menopausal transition
Taylor-Swanson, L. -
Effects of acupuncture, applied relaxation, estrogens and placebo on hot flushes in postmenopausal women: an analysis of two prospective, parallel, randomized studies
Zaborowska, E. -
Effects of Acupuncture on Menopause-Related Symptoms in Breast Cancer Survivors: A Meta-analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials
Chiu, H.-Y. -
Effects of acupuncture on hot flashes in perimenopausal and postmenopausal women-a multicenter randomized clinical trial
Kim, K. H. -
Effects of Acupuncture on Climacteric Vasomotor Symptoms, Quality of Life, and Urinary Excretion of Neuropeptides amoung Postmenopausal Women
Wyon, Y. -
Effects of acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine (Zhi Mu 14) on hot flushes and quality of life in postmenopausal women: results of a four-arm randomized controlled pilot trial
Nedeljkovic, M. -
Can acupuncture ease the symptoms of menopause?
Cohen, S. M. -
Acupuncture-ameliorated menopausal symptoms: single-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized trial
de Luca, A. C. -
Acupuncture versus venlafaxine for the management of vasomotor symptoms in patients with hormone receptor-positive breast cancer: a randomized controlled trial
Walker, E. M. -
Acupuncture relieves menopausal discomfort in breast cancer patients: a prospective, double blinded, randomized study
Bokmand, S. -
Acupuncture for treating hot flushes in men with prostate cancer: a systematic review
Lee, M. S. -
Acupuncture for the treatment of hot flashes in breast cancer patients, a randomized, controlled trial
Hervik, J. -
Acupuncture for postmenopausal hot flashes
Nir, Y. -
Acupuncture for palliative and supportive cancer care: a systematic review of systematic reviews
Ernst, E. -
Acupuncture for menopausal hot flushes
Dodin, S. -
Acupuncture for hot flushes in perimenopausal and postmenopausal women: a randomised, sham-controlled trial
Kim, D. I. -
Acupuncture for hot flashes: a randomized, sham-controlled clinical study
Vincent, A. -
Acupuncture and Auricular Acupressure in Relieving Menopausal Hot Flashes of Bilaterally Ovariectomized Chinese Women: A Randomized Controlled Trial
Zhou, J. -
A randomized, controlled pilot study of acupuncture treatment for menopausal hot flashes
Avis, N. E. -
A randomized trial of acupuncture for vasomotor symptoms in post-menopausal women
Venzke, L. -
A randomized controlled pilot study of acupuncture for postmenopausal hot flashes: effect on nocturnal hot flashes and sleep quality
Huang, M. I. -
A comparison of acupuncture and oral estradiol treatment of vasomotor symptoms in postmenopausal women
Wyon, Y.