has health condition studied is exactly
Respiratory Tract Diseases
The impact of acupuncture and craniosacral therapy interventions on clinical outcomes in adults with asthma
Mehl-Madrona, L. -
The effect of acupuncture on the incidence of postextubation laryngospasm in children
Lee, C. K. -
The effect of acupuncture on allergic rhinitis: a randomized controlled clinical trial
Magnusson, A. L. -
Study on cytokines IL-2, IL-6, IL-10 in patients of chronic allergic rhinitis treated with acupuncture
Petti, F. B. -
Short-term acupuncture therapy is of no benefit in patients with moderate persistent asthma
Shapira, M. Y. -
Research into acupuncture for respiratory disease in Japan: a systematic review
Suzuki, M. -
Randomized clinical trials of acupuncture for asthma - a systematic review
Linde, K. -
Preventive and curative effects of acupuncture on the common cold: a multicentre randomized controlled trial in Japan
Kawakita, K. -
No effect of chinese acupuncture on isocapnic hyperventilation with cold air in asthmatics, measured with impulse oscillometry
Malmstrom, M. -
Mediators, Receptors, and Signalling Pathways in the Anti-Inflammatory and Antihyperalgesic Effects of Acupuncture
McDonald, J.L. -
Measurable impact of acupuncture on mucosal swelling of inferior turbinates: a prospective, randomized, controlled study
Albrecht, T. -
Impact of acupuncture on vasomotor rhinitis: a randomized placebo-controlled pilot study
Fleckenstein, J. -
Immunomodulatory effects of acupuncture in the treatment of allergic asthma: a randomized controlled study
Joos, S. -
Health-related quality of life outcomes in a trial of acupuncture, sham acupuncture and conventional treatment for chronic sinusitis
Stavem, K. -
External Application of Chinese Medicine following Tapping Using a Plum-blossom Needle for Allergic Rhinitis.
Yang, X. -
Efficacy of acupuncture in children with asthma: a systematic review
Liu, C.F. -
Efficacy of acupuncture in asthma: systematic review and meta-analysis of published data from 11 randomised controlled trials
Martin, J. -
Effects of acupuncture in bronchial asthma: preliminary communication
Dias, P. L. -
Effects of acupuncture as a treatment for hyperventilation syndrome: a pilot, randomized crossover trial
Gibson, D. -
Effect of adding a Chinese herbal preparation to acupuncture for seasonal allergic rhinitis: randomised double-blind controlled trial
Xue, C. C. -
Effect of acupuncture or acupressure on quality of life of patients with chronic obstructive asthma: a pilot study
Maa, S. H. -
Effect of acupuncture on exercise-induced asthma
Chow, O. K. -
Effect of acupuncture in the treatment of seasonal allergic rhinitis: a randomized controlled clinical trial
Xue, C. C. -
Controlled trial of acupuncture for disabling breathlessness
Jobst, K. -
Comparison of traditional Chinese acupuncture, minimal acupuncture at non-acupoints and conventional treatment for chronic sinusitis
Rossberg, E. -
Comparison of real and simulated acupuncture and isoproterenol in methacholine-induced asthma
Tashkin, D. P. -
Comparison of real and placebo acupuncture in histamine-induced asthma. A double-blind crossover study
Tandon, M. K. -
Clinical Observation of Combination Therapy of Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine in treating Vocal Cord Nodule
Xie, Q. -
Can a standardized acupuncture technique palliate disabling breathlessness: a single-blind, placebo-controlled crossover study
Lewith, G. T. -
Bloodletting acupuncture for the prevention of stridor in children after tracheal extubation: a randomised, controlled study
Saghaei, M. -
Attenuation of exercise-induced asthma by acupuncture
Fung, K. P. -
An overview of two Cochrane systematic reviews of complementary treatments for chronic asthma: acupuncture and homeopathy
McCarney, R. W. -
Acupuncture therapy results in immediate bronchodilating effect in asthma patients
Chu, K. A. -
Acupuncture therapies for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: a systematic review of randomized, controlled trials
Coyle, M.E. -
Acupuncture in treatment of stable asthma
Biernacki, W. -
Acupuncture in the Treatment of Patients with Chronic Obstrutive Bronchitis: A Randomized Controlled Trial
Buevich, V. -
Acupuncture in patients with seasonal allergic rhinitis: a randomized trial
Brinkhaus, B. -
Acupuncture in patients with allergic rhinitis: a pragmatic randomized trial
Brinkhaus, B. -
Acupuncture in Patients Suffering from Allergic Asthma: Is It Worth Additional Costs?
Reinhold, T. -
Acupuncture in children and adolescents with bronchial asthma: A randomised controlled study
Scheewe, S. -
Acupuncture for the treatment of allergic rhinitis: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Feng, S. -
Acupuncture for persistent allergic rhinitis: a randomised, sham-controlled trial
Xue, C. C. -
Acupuncture for nasal congestion: A prospective, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical pilot study
Sertel, S. -
Acupuncture for dyspnea in advanced cancer: a randomized, placebo-controlled pilot trial
Vickers, A. J. -
Acupuncture for Chronic Asthma: A Controlled Trial with Six Months Follow-Up
Mitchell, P. -
Acupuncture for allergic rhinitis: a systematic review
Lee, M. S. -
Acupuncture for Allergic Rhinitis: A Literature Review
KizhakkeVeettil, A. -
Acupuncture as an adjunct to pulmonary rehabilitation
Deering, B. M. -
Acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine in the treatment of patients with seasonal allergic rhinitis: a randomized-controlled clinical trial
Brinkhaus, B. -
Acupuncture and bronchial asthma: a long-term randomized study of the effects of real versus sham acupuncture compared to controls in patients with bronchial asthma
Medici, T. C. -
Acupuncture and bronchial asthma
Christensen, P. A. -
Acupuncture and asthma: a review of controlled trials
Kleijnen, J. -
A systematic review of the clinical effectiveness of acupuncture for allergic rhinitis
Roberts, J. -
A single point acupuncture treatment at large intestine meridian: a randomized controlled trial in acute tonsillitis and pharyngitis
Fleckenstein, J. -
A Randomized Treatment-Placebo Study of the Effectiveness of Acupuncture for Benign Vocal Pathologies
Yiu, E. -
A randomized pilot study of acupuncture as an adjunct therapy in adult asthmatic patients
Choi, J. Y. -
A randomized multicentre trial of acupuncture in patients with seasonal allergic rhinitis - trial intervention including physician and treatment characteristics
Ortiz, M. -
A pilot project to assess the methodological issues involved in evaluating acupuncture as a treatment for disabling breathlessness
Davis, C. L. -
A multicenter, randomized, controlled trial testing the effects of acupuncture on allergic rhinitis
Choi, S. M. -
A double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial of acupuncture for the treatment of childhood persistent allergic rhinitis
Ng, D. K. -
A controlled trial of real and simulated acupuncture in the management of chronic asthma
Tashkin, D. P.